No matter how you ended up on our site, we’re glad you’re here and appreciate the opportunity to let you know a little bit more about us. This page has some great information about who we are and what we are about. If you haven’t already, please plan to join us for a Sunday worship service. You'll be glad you did!
How Long are Sunday Services?
Our Sunday worship service is at 10:15 AM in the main sanctuary and lasts about 90 minutes. We have a Sunday morning Bible Study from 9-10 am designed for every age group. Coffee and donuts are served from 10-10:15 am.
What About My Kids?
Coming with the kids? No problem! We have Sunday School classes for kids of all ages that are fun and teach them about Jesus on their level. We have a nursery for children age 3 and younger during our morning worship service with qualified, nurturing care givers. Our family worship time includes the whole family with age appropriate seat activities for young ones.
What Should I Wear?
You can wear whatever you’d like! At our services, we focus on Jesus and not your clothes. So, just wear what makes you comfortable and will not be distracting to others. Whether that is jeans, a dress, shorts, or a fancy suit, just come as you are, ready to worship with God’s people!
What Should I Expect In a Service?
You should expect a loving atmosphere where you are encouraged to join us in worship of God. Our services are perfect for people who have been in church for a while, as well as for people who have never set foot in a church setting. You should expect to feel welcomed, to feel loved, and to learn truth about God from the Bible.